Large-scale Neuronal Systems Simulator "iqr"
iqr is a simulator for large-scale multi-level neuronal systems that provides an efficient graphical environment for designing models that can control real-world devices - robots in the broader sense - in real-time.
The main features of iqr are: Support for large-scale models Harvest the power of connectivity Graphical user interface for designing large-scale neuronal systems On-line visualization and analysis of data Connect neural models to real-world devices(cameras, microphones, pan-tilt system, robots) Pre-defined neuron and synapse types Open architecture for new neurons, synapses, and hardware interfaces Open source
The main features of iqr are: Support for large-scale models Harvest the power of connectivity Graphical user interface for designing large-scale neuronal systems On-line visualization and analysis of data Connect neural models to real-world devices(cameras, microphones, pan-tilt system, robots) Pre-defined neuron and synapse types Open architecture for new neurons, synapses, and hardware interfaces Open source
iqr: A tool for the construction of multi-level simulations of brain and behaviour. Ulysses Bernardet and Paul F. M. J. Verschure. Neuroinformatics, 8:113--134, 06/2010 2010. [ bib | http ]iqr: Simulator for large scale neural systems. Ulysses Bernardet and Paul Verschure. CSN Book Series, Barcelona, Spain, 2013. [ bib ]